Saturday 12 July 2014

Top 5 Inspiration Movies for Sales Motivation !

A Sale is defined as " The act of selling a product or Service in return for money or other compensation ". The truth is I never understood the theoretical language of sales when I was pursuing my Masters in Sales and Marketing. Every time I opened my Principles of Management books before my final exams, I used to be in a blank state of mind during my final papers. The Result in theory for me turned out to be S***T. Hence I failed at my final Exams.   

Well after failing, I was in confused state of mind. The Only one question came to my Mind, am I really suitable to pursue my carrier in Sales !

Then I looked back to my older days to what I did in my life. I realized then at age of 16, I used to sell the old black and white Mobile Phones. My First sale was Nokia 3310, where I made a profit of Rs 100 /-. At age of 18 I was a middle man and sold Foreign Currency with a commission of 0.30 paise. Not big money, but yes I made around Rs 500 per transaction. 

When I failed in a confused state of mind, All I knew is there is one Thing I loved, is to watch movies. But this time i changed my taste for Movies, I watched the movies that inspired me. Sitting in the room all day long and big thanks to YOUTUBE for all the motivational videos to keep my sales motivation going on. 

Here is the list of top 10 Movies that motivated me towards what i loved "Sales"

1. Guru ( Bollywood Movie)

Reason to watch this movie:- The movie is based on the life-story of Mr Dhirubhai Ambani who founded Reliance Industries 

Inspiration Quote for Sales from the movie:-  When Dhirubhai Ambani was questioned at the Inquiry Panel in front of the media and press, the Jury had given him only 5 mins to give his explanations. Mr Ambani had completed his speech in 4.50 mins and said to the Jury I saved time and made 30% Profit on my time savings. " This is Business "

2. Glengarry Glen Ross

Reason to Watch this Movie : The movie is based on the brutal Business World where every sales person has to face it when it comes to Sales.

Inspiration Quoted from the Movie for Sales: " The Sales Leads are Weak, I must Say You Are Weak"

3. Jobs 

Reason To Watch This Movie : The movie is based on the story of Apple Founders Mr Steve Jobs and Steve Woznaik. It has shown how Mr Jobs had a vision for sales and changed Mr Woznaik dream to Reality.

Inspiration Quotes from the Movie : " In Life you only get to do so many things and right now we've chosen to do this, so lets make it great "

4. Thank You For Smoking

Reason to Watch This Movie : The movie is Based on a Sales Person Who Promotes Smoking to the Consumers. I wont encourage Smoking, but yes the Sales Confidence in him selling the product inspires we sales people. 

Inspiration Quotes From The Movie : " I don't have an MBA Or a Law Degree, But Yes I do Get Paid To Talk "

5. The Wolf Of Wall Street 

Reason to Watch This Movie:  The Movie is based on life of Mr Jordan Belfort who trades in Penny Stocks. I know there are lot of critics over Penny Stocks, But it was his sales tactics that is an inspiration to us. 

Inspiration Quotes From The Movie: " The Only Thing Standing Between You and Your Goal is the Bullshit Story You Keep Telling Yourself Why You Can't Achieve It "

So i Say to my readers, Sales is all about your inner passion to do something better. Its not necessary that you have a degree in Sales, but yes I do thank the movies that has inspired me to be a Sales Man. My Company Shop4Prop was inspired by the movie Wolf of Wall Street. As a sales training to my sales team, I make sure they watch one Sales Inspiration Movie. I must say that after our sales team watched the movie, we increased our sales by 50 %.

In this one scene, the lead character played by Leonardo Dicapiro, is on phone selling penny stocks. I am not going to debate on the merit of selling penny stocks, but Yes the way he worked the phones was a sight to behold. He was amazingly dedicated. He spent a ton of making sure he made the sale. Later he also explains the importance of getting over the phone with your customers.

Simple Strategy for first look on sales " If You are not on Phone, You are not Making a Sale, And If You don't Make a Sale, You Don't Make Any Money"

My Sales Team, still sing the humming song from Wolf Of Wall Street, after every sale they make. 

Hence to end it up " You Don't Hang up the Phone till the client either buys or **** Dies ".. Its all up to we sales people, how we close sales at last.

Leander Saz
Managing Director

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