Thursday 3 July 2014

My Top 7 Sales Tips and Tactics

Sales has always been my passion from the time I was in my College Days. I have been successful in sales just because of one reason " My Failure". Failures and Rejections in my carrier help me to grow more in sales, and made me more passionate towards sales and carrier. 

If you have an art to do something extra ordinary and challenging in life, then sales is the right job for you. Information Technology, Arts, Creativity was never my cup of tea. It was a difficult situation of my carrier to know, what I Loved. All I knew is I had the art to sell and the knowledge to sell. My inner deep passion within the heart said, I am good with people, If I put the right product information and attitude to sell, then I can be a good Sales Man.  

Sales can be an Ausum job, and is considered to be the backbone of any organisation. It is always said that, if you have dynamic sales people within your company, then its sure that the work for IT, Finance and HR is made easy. Sales is the department where in the revenue is generated for any company, and the revenue of the company keeps growing when the sales is higher. I still remember, when i was selling websites in my initial stage of my carrier, I was rejected almost by 300 people. All it kept me moving was a little word called "HOPE". I never loosed hope to succeed in sales. 

Here is My top 7 sales tips that has come useful to me in my carrier as a Real Estate Sales Executive. I put my personal approach of life towards the professional approach of Sales

1. Sell Only If You Love Selling :- You need to discover the art of selling within yourself. For Instance:- "When you were a kid, and you were good at convincing your parents or family to get a small gift for you. The smile on your face, was the gift saying that you had the art of sales within you".

2. Be Good With Your Customers:-  You will Succeed in Sales, Only if you are good with your clients. The root to succeed in sales is the relation you build with them. For Instance:- "You may be a failure in your life, but all you knew is you had a good heart and were good with the world around you" . 

3. Be Confident in Selling:- Nervousness is a part of the sales game. Its a normal approach to be a bit scared, because you are dealing every day with new clients. But the Game to start well in your sales approach is be confident. For Instance:-" Your college day crush, You were so scared to approach the girl you loved, but you still did it with confidence, coz she was your goal then". Never be scared of rejections from your customers, be confident.

4. Sales Pitch:- Make sure your sales pitch is up to the mark with right attitude. The Right Sale always depends on your sales pitch and approach towards it. For Instance:- " You used the right words during your first job or school interview and guess what the Interviewer Loved It". Your clients and customers will love you, if you use the right words in your sales pitch.

5. Accept Rejections:- Put your 100% effort towards convincing your customer to purchase your product or service. At the same time have courage to accept rejections. All you did is " You gave your best shot" the client was not worth for it. 

6. ABC:- The common and the most basic word in sales is ABC " Always be Closing". One of the most inspiring lines from the movie Boiler Room was " And there is no such thing as a no sale call. A sale is made on every call you make. Either you sell the client some stock or he sells you a reason he can't. Either way a sale is made, the only question is who is gonna close? You or him? Now be relentless.

7. Say No Diplomatically if you don't know the Answer: Always know that your clients are smarter than You. If they ask you a question and you don't know the answer. Don't Just Guess, Coz You may Fumble. In a diplomatic way always say I will get back to you shortly on your question. If You Fumble It adds a negative impact on Your Approach.

Create the passion and art to be good in sales with the courage to accept failures and rejections. But all you have in you is Never loose the Hope to Succeed, if you keep the Hope and Passion in you, You will be an Amazing Sales Person

Leander Saz is the Managing Director of the company Shop4Prop based in Mumbai.

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