Wednesday 15 October 2014

Language of Sales in Real Estate Industry

                             Language of Sales in Real Estate Industry

The information here we are going to talk about is to give you insight about a new language. It’s not English. Hindi, Italian, French, Japanese or German. Rather it is called “Language of Sales”.
In-fact it’s a language where most people want to listen to. The language of sales is a powerful code, that a salesman could implement, a language that a customer can understand, and to get a positive response which creates a brand impact from powerful tools of marketing.

Every time we speak to a customer, the customer awaits to listen to the language of sales.
Real Estate Industry is a big fat whale industry. If you have chosen your carrier into Property Sales, let me tell you, along with language of sales, your personal attitude also matters a lot.

Attitude Says Customer is the TOP Priority, Your Product, Your Language of Sale and You Yourself!

In Real Estate Sales you can become aware by the words you use as well as the reactions you cause. Are the reactions positive or negative? What facial expressions is reaction to your language? Here we are going to see a few examples.  

Hot Sales Words that you need to implement as a Sales Man

Do Not use the word Contract. Use Agreement or Proposal
Contract is a destructive sales word in the real estate industry. Contract should be replaced with agreement, which means the customer is agreeing with your decision. Proposal is a good alternative word, which implies the customer makes an ultimate decssion.

For Example “Mr Ravi I have a good investment proposal towards a property to be launched in Thane by Lodha Group “

Do Not say “ I need your Signature here” or “sign here”. Use “ Please Okay this here” or “Please okay and date it”

Always make the customer feel, that he has the power. After all the decision to purchase a property is his decision. “Signing is associated with signing away something”. Okaying is associated to “Agreeing”.

For Example “ Mr Ravi Here is the booking form for Tata Housing, ( I use a pen to pin point it) Do u mind if you could okay it here on the flat to be confirmed”

Do Not use the word “Buy”. Use the word Invest
The Buy word in the real estate industry refers to something that will not come back. Investment implies to returns. You can refer to a good investment or getting a good return on Investment.

For Example “ Mr Nikhil you are looking at a 25% ROI on the investment at Godrej Properties. In my honest opinion I would suggest you to make this profitable investment on the property”

Do Not say First Payment. Use Initial Investment.

First Payment sounds very negative in property sales. It’s like we are demanding for payment. Initial Investment is in Real Estate Sales is always positive.

For Example “ Henry Sir, your first initial investment is due on 16th October 2014”

Do Not say, Our Price or Our Discount. Use Your Savings, Your Payback

Let the money become their money. The inference is entirely different and far more agreeable.

What Should You Always Say
  • Easy
  • Results
  • Save
  • Discover
  • Guarantee
  • Safety
  • Free
  • Profit/Return
  • Health
  • Love
  • Investment
  • You/Yours
  • Gain/ Benefit

If you haven’t yet discovered the significance of these words, you are making enough sales calls to your clients. As a real estate sales advisor, adopt these words.

These words are often used in good marketing and should be implemented in your sales process. Believe me as a Property Sales Advisor, I’ve seen massive difference in response by changing few words.

Words and language lead your customers to draw inferences about your company and your knowledge.

Adopt the Language of Sales in the real estate world. It Sounds Less Harsh and it makes a difference. It adds up to a better, more approachable, less committal tone of language.